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Overview of corruption and anti-corruption in Mozambique

In Mozambique, prevalence of corruption remains an area of concern for both the public as well as donors, who support almost half of the state’s budget. Corruption manifests itself through various forms, including political, petty and grand corruption, embezzlement of public funds, and a deeply embedded patronage system. Checks and balances are weak, as the executive exercises strong influence over the legislative and the judiciary.

Corruption also affects several sectors in the country, such as the police, public administration, judiciary, and public financial management. The recent gas and oil discoveries and the potential of mining industries in increasing state revenues have raised discussions around the importance of establishing mechanisms ensuring more transparency and accountability in the extractive industries.

11 April 2012Updated 14 December 2020
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Overview of corruption and anti-corruption in Mozambique

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Chêne, M. 2012. Overview of corruption and anti-corruption in Mozambique. U4 Expert Answer 322

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Marie Chêne


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