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The use of technology for managing income and asset declarations

There is evidence in countries such as Argentina that the use of technology can improve the effectiveness and efficiency of asset declaration schemes by increasing compliance and decreasing management costs. The use of technology can contribute to reducing human error in the submission process, increasing the efficacy of the verification process and facilitating public access to asset declaration information.

Software for managing asset declaration regimes needs to be tailored to the local legislation and declaration items. No universal software can embrace the wide diversity of required specifications and functionalities that vary greatly across countries. Most oversight bodies implementing a technology-based asset declaration system have developed their own customised technical solution to perform their core functions.

18 September 2015
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The use of technology for managing income and asset declarations

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Chêne, M. (2015) The use of technology for managing income and asset declarations. U4 Expert Answer 2015:14

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Marie Chêne


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