U4 Issue
Towards REDD+ integrity: Opportunities and challenges for Indonesia
Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation (REDD+) has become a cornerstone of Indonesia’s forest sector policies. Given corruption risks in the sector, a number of policies and initiatives – both specifically linked to REDD+ and to broader national reform efforts – have been launched to ensure that risks of corruption in REDD+ are minimized. Efforts directly linked to REDD+ include clarifying REDD+ regulatory frameworks and institutional arrangements and establishing REDD+ safeguards. Broader reforms relevant to anti-corruption and REDD+ include an initiative to clarify the status of state forests, the development of “one map” and “one data” policies, and the establishment of a multi-door approach to address forest crimes. This U4 Issue paper assesses the extent to which these reforms actually address corruption risks. Areas where the government of Indonesia and its donor partners could strengthen anti-corruption measures related to REDD+ are also presented. Policy suggestions include (i) anchoring regulatory frameworks and institutional arrangements more securely, (ii) addressing coordination gaps and building subnational government capacity, (iii) clarifying auditing responsibilities and deciding on how REDD+ benefits will be redistributed, (iv) strengthening the role of the Supreme Audit Board in REDD+, (v) encouraging coordination across licensing systems and strengthening incentives and sanctions for all public officials, and (vi) introducing REDD+ to judges.
Series editors:
Aled Williams
André Standing
Kendra Dupuy

Cite this publication
Sinaga, A.; Dermawan, A. 2015. Towards REDD+ integrity: Opportunities and challenges for Indonesia. Bergen: Chr. Michelsen Institute (U4 Issue 2015:5) 39 p.
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